Lifespan C5i velo trenažieris

  • Ražotājs Lifespan
  • Artikuls C5i
  • Ir Rīgas noliktavā: 0
  • Eiropas noliktavā 0
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fitstore ir oficiālais ražotāja dīleris

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Ienākt / Reģistrēties
  • Ražotājs Lifespan
  • Artikuls C5i
  • Ir Rīgas noliktavā: 0
  • Eiropas noliktavā 0
fitstore ir oficiālais ražotāja dīleris
fitstore ir oficiālais ražotāja dīleris


Do you like to be challenged a bit? Do you love cycling? Or do you just want to train effectively? You can, with the Upright Bike Hometrainer C5i. Exercising on this bike is more challenging, because you have to keep pedaling to power it up and keep it running. Pedaling through is also the only way to get the display to work. This is a strong motivator for you to keep cycling. LifeSpan Fitness C5i exercise bike for semi-professional use with a height-adjustable bicycle saddle, holder for your water bottle and an LCD monitor with 36 training programs and a tablet holder for tablets or smartphones. The LifeSpan Bluetooth 4.o/ANT+ Heart Rate Monitor with chest strap is included.


Accurate heart rate measurement

The C5i is the upright bike for goal-oriented training thanks to the free LifeSpan Heart Rate Monitor Bluetooth 4.0/ANT+ with chest rate strap it comes with. This way you can precisely measure your heart rate during training. Goal-oriented heart rate based training helps you to effictively slim down and improve your level of fitness and health..


Cordless hometrainer

A nice feature of the C5i is the self-generated power system. Because of this the upright bike doesn't have to be placed near a power socket because it generates it's own power. You can place the bike anywhere you like and you can also easily lift it and store it in a space-saving way. It's also very profitable to your wallet and eco-friendly.


Great number of nice training programs

The C5i fits all your fitness needs and goals. With its 5 Weight Management programs, 5 Healthy Living programs, 7 Sports training programs and 2 customized programs you can train various and effective. The bike also has two special heart rate programs for goal-oriented training, Interval Heart Rate and Constant Heart Rate. In the Interval program, you set a minimum and maximum heart rate and let the upright exercise bike control the resistance, taking your heart up to the maximum set rate and then back down all within preset interval program. At the Constant program, you set a single target heart rate, with the bike adjusting the resistance to keep you at your target. Whether you want to slim down, improve your fitness level or add some activity to your day, the C5i will be there every step of the way.


Media-holder and built-in speakers to keep you entertained

You won’t get bored for a moment with the C5i. The exercise bike has a media-holder to place your tablet or smartphone. Besides keeping track of your training results you can entertain yourself on the internet, by watching a movie, with your favorite series, by putting on exciting music or by reading a good book. You can use the built-in speakers to connect your iPod or headphones to the exercise bike to train with your favorite beats. The C5i Upright Bike is the best hometrainer if your goal is to get fit by long and intensive cardio endurance training.



Seat manually adjustable in height

The C5i features a manual height adjustable seat. The seat can be heightened in 19 positions between 76 and 104 cm measured from the lowest stand of the seat to the pedals. The hometrainers offers great comfort and an ergonomic training position to athletes measuring from 152 to 203 cm..



Free Lifespan Club membership for an overview of your training data on your desktop or smartphone 

Another reason to buy the C5i Upright Bike Hometrainer is the free LifeSpan Club membership that comes with it. With this membership you can save your training results in the Cloud and view them on your desktop or smartphone. With the included USB data port you can save and store your training results, namely the rotations per minute (RPM), distance, calories, workout time, heart rate, speed, resistance level and watts and upload this data to your LifeSpan account when you’re done training. You can use your desktop or the LifeSpan Fitness app (available at the Google Play store) to log in to your LifeSpan account and view your training results. Either way you’ll always have your workout results at hand.

LifeSpan piepilda Tavu dzīvi ar veselību un labsajūtu, nodrošinot ar kardio trenažieriem - eliptiskajiem trenažieriem, velotrenažieriem un skrejceliņiem. LifeSpan ir radīts ikvienam, it īpaši mājas kardio treniņu veikšanai. Zemāka cena nekā profesionālajiem kardio trenažieriem, bet ar augstu kvalitāti tirgū. Uzturi sevi formā, uzlabo veselību un ātrāk atgūsties no traumām, izmantojot skaisti izstrādātus kardio trenažierus.

LifeSpan kvalitāte nebeidzas šeit. Viņi ir tik pārliecināti par saviem trenažieriem, ka dažiem no saviem produktiem viņi pat piešķir mūža garantiju, ar augstas klases tehniskās apkopes pakalpojiem pēc produkta iegādes. Ja vēlies savā īpašumā kardio trenažieri, mēs iesakām LifeSpan - lēts un augstas kvalitātes!

Mūsu mērķis ir mudināt ikvienu kustēties, tādējādi veicinot veselīgu un laimīgu dzīvi!

LifeSpan Katalogi: Atrodami šeit


Dibinātājs: Dave Peters      Galvenais birojs: Soltleiksitija, ASV     Zīmols: Dibināts 2002. gadā


esam ražotāja pārstāvis

no 2017



mūsu klienti ir iegādājušies




zīmolu varat sastapt


sporta zālēs


esam Baltijā vienīgais




visām precēm nodrošinām




visas preces atrodas






Dimensions(L x W x H)

103 cm x 71 cm x 144 cm

Package Dimensions (L x W x H)

78 cm x 38 cm x 89 cm

Product Weight

45 kg

Max. User Weight

181 kg


19-hight adjustment settings ranging from 74 cm to 104 cm




Self balancing, adjustable straps

Resistance Levels


Resistance System

Magnetic - Eddy Current

Double Bearings


Type of Bearings


Bottle Holder


Intelli Guard Safety



8 kg



Compatible with IHP



Intense home use




2 rear-mounted wheels



Power Supply




Multi-color LCD display, interactive Touchscreen console


Exercise program, date and time, workout time, calories, rotation per minute (RPM), distance, heart rate, speed, resistance level, watts

Exercise Programs

2 heart rate programs, 2 customized user programs

17 preset programs - 5 weight management, 5 "Healthy Living" programs, 7 sport training programs

Graph View


Quick Change Resistance Buttons

4 resistance level buttons

Preset Program Buttons

5 programs set buttons

Holder for Smartphone, Tablet








Bluetooth Interface


Heart rate monitor

Contact heart rate sensor and Bluetooth-connectivity to use and optional chest strap

Intelli key




Gints Kuzņecovs
Gints Kuzņecovs
Uzņēmuma korporatīvais ģēnijs. Diplomāts un stratēģis. Bez tā visa, arī lielisks padomdevējs.
Ilva Šimēna
Ilva Šimēna
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Kārlis Pallo
Kārlis Pallo
Vienmēr tiek galā ar visiem organizatoriskajiem darbiem un rūpējas par to, lai visiem uzņēmuma departamentiem ir atbalsts. Humors ir neatņemama dienas sastāvdaļa!
Edgars Bercis
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Egils Šteinerts
Egils Šteinerts
Plaša spektra pārdošanas speciālists, kurš strādā ar iepirkumiem, vairumtirdzniecības klientiem un esošiem fitnesa klubiem. Precīzi ieteiks labāko Multipower sporta uzturu. Sigma un Polar produktu eksperts, kaislīgs sportists, kurš visus produktus spēj ieteikt, balstoties uz savu pieredzi.
Mārtiņš Čampa
Mārtiņš Čampa
Ar pieredzi un zināšanām veselības aprūpes un sporta zinātnes jomās, prasmīgi žonglē ar teorētisko pamatojumu un lietotāju pieredzes piemēriem. Fizisko aktivitāšu entuziasts, kurš aktīvi sporto pats un "kustina" arī citus.
Ieva Konopacka
Ieva Konopacka
Aizrautīga mārketinga speciāliste ar degsmi. Radoša un vienmēr gatava apgūt kaut ko jaunu. Pārzin igauņu un somu valodas. Ikdienā galvenokārt nodarbojas ar satura veidošanu mūsu interneta veikalam Somijā un pasākumu organizēšanu.
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Santa Rakstiņa
Santa Rakstiņa
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Ilze Poikāne
Ilze Poikāne
Enerģiska servisa koordinatore, kura ir gatava palīdzēt gan tehniskajiem darbiniekiem, gan pārējiem kolēģiem.
Raimonds Kuzņecovs
Raimonds Kuzņecovs
Tehniskais direktors, ar jurista izglītību. Atsaucīgs, iedziļināsies visās detaļās. Staigājoša tehniskā enciklopēdija. Ja netici, pajautā viņam kaut ko par trenažieru uzbūvi!
Vitālijs Sokolovs
Vitālijs Sokolovs
Savas jomas speciālists, kurš uzstāda gan jaunas sporta zāles un iekārtas, gan veic tehnisko apkopi esošajiem sporta klubiem.
Daniels Sindijs Blāķis
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Līga Matisone
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Finanšu datu speciāliste, kurai piemīt izteiktas atbildības, pedantiskuma un precizitātes īpašības, kas grāmatvedības jomā palīdz sakārtot procesus un pieņemt atbildīgus lēmumus uzņēmuma attīstībā!
