AIREX® Wall bracket type 65 without eyelets

  • Производитель Airex
  • Артикул WHS01
  • Есть на Рижском складе: 3
  • На складе партнера 0
Лидер продаж
Лидер продаж
этот бренд - Выбор профессионалов
этот бренд - Выбор профессионалов
fitstore - официальный дилер
fitstore - официальный дилер

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  • Производитель Airex
  • Артикул WHS01
  • Есть на Рижском складе: 3
  • На складе партнера 0
Лидер продаж
Лидер продаж
этот бренд - Выбор профессионалов
этот бренд - Выбор профессионалов
fitstore - официальный дилер
fitstore - официальный дилер
Suitable for mats without eyelets as Coronella 200, Coronella 185, Fitline Studio, Fitline 140, Fitline 180, Pilates 190. Fits up to 15 mats.

Airex Wall bracket 65

The AIREX® wall bracket is perfect for storing your AIREX® mats without eyelets in a space-saving and efficient way. The smaller version with a length of 65 cm is suitable for AIREX® mats with a maximum width of 60 cm (e.g. the Coronella 185 and 200, the Fitline 140 and 180, Pilates 190, and the Fitness 120). It can hold 12 to 15 AIREX® mats.



AIREX® is the world market leader in the field of training and therapy mats. This brand dates back as far as 1960s which mean it is around us more than 60 years. Airex believe that product is as good as it gets, because of Swiss mentality - striving for perfection, innovation and quality that lasts a lifetime.

Airex products are made of 96% of comprised air, which make them unique in all world. Because of 60 years of experience Airex are proud of their products quality, which lets everyone to get into their zone with comfort. All products are made of Eco-Friendly materials. Come to our shop and see for Yourselves the quality of Swiss brands yoga, fitness and physiotherapy mats!

Try out the Airex app for iOS and Android! The Airex® App powered by Airex Academy® is a highlight to connect our products towards to the demands of our consumers in a sustainable way. Beside the trainings by our Master Trainers the App serves as a product support to get the best out of your AIREX® products.

Airex encourages everyone to take a step back from stress, worries, naggings of the day and get into their zone with Airex Mats.

Airex Catalogs: can be found here

Founded By: Emil Brunner and Hearbert Lindemann      Headquarters: Sins, Switzerland      Brand: Patented in Sins, 1952


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since 2008



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  • Length - 65 cm
  • Weight - approx. 2.5 kg
Colour Gray
Material Stainless steel


  2 years




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