SKLZ Goalshot

  • Производитель SKLZ
  • Артикул SKLZ27GSH
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fitstore - официальный дилер
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Лидер продаж
24' x 8' [7,32m x 2,44m ] /official size goal (2) SKLZ2786
344.90 €
16.4' x 6.6' [5m x 2m] / youth goal (0) SKLZ3272
300.00 €
От 344.90€

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  • Производитель SKLZ
  • Артикул SKLZ27GSH
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fitstore - официальный дилер
fitstore - официальный дилер
Лидер продаж
Лидер продаж

Backed by research showing where top league goalies are scored on, the Goalshot helps players build the muscle memory and vision involved in scoring. Goalshot does things cones, targets and stand-in goalies can’t do: it creates visual focus on the specific zones where players are four times more likely to score.


•Builds a visual focus on the zones players are four times more likely to score

•Gives players max shooting reps with instant feedback

•Builds the vision and muscle memory needed to increase scoring percentages

•Designed to fit the goal frame and sets up in minutes

•Comes in its own carry bag for easy portability


Backed by multiple seasons of research, the Goalshot features the four scoring zones where goalies from soccer’s top leagues are scored on. It offers instant feedback and helps players easily identify the ideal placement the goalkeepers can’t get to.


The Goalshot’s scoring zones force players to visualize their shots before making them, blocking shots that are outside the areas where elite players score a majority of their goals. This instant and continual feedback helps players increase their chances of scoring.


Great scorers have the ability to focus their vision on a small target and hit it through a crowd, under pressure and with one or multiple defenders on them. The Goalshot helps players easily identify the places on the goal where they have the greatest chances of scoring, giving players the reps they need to build the muscle memory and visualization that increase their scoring percentages.

SKLZ gives athletes the tools to improve both their sport-specific skills and athleticism in their journey to be a well-rounded athlete. SKLZ focuses more on movement, agility and durability training equipment, do if You want to improve your agility, then SKLZ is just as made for You. Brand makes products not only for Top athletes, but for all ages, even for kids, to improve and reach higher goals in sports and real life situations.

SKLZ offers different kind of products, starting from athletic focused products, ending with different sports equipment, such as - baseball, basketball, football, soccer, golf, etc... Last product of SKLZ has been focusing on athletes intelligence, improving decision making in short period of time and in high stress situations.

Be better, stronger, and faster in game-like situations!

SKLZ Catalogs: can be found here

Founded By: John Sarkisian      Headquarters: California, USA      Brand: Founded in 2002


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